Sources of inspiration


Do you see this pandemic as an opportunity or a curse? As an opportunity to hit pause on the frenetic pace of life and take stock or as a massive disruption to a life that was going pretty well? We're trying to get to a point where we see it more as an opportunity. There's so much that's hopeful about opportunity and only a lot of angst when we focus on disruption. 

Over the past few months, we've been living with the anxiety and worry so much of the world is feeling. How long will this last? What will happen if someone we love gets the virus? What if we get it? When can we start to meet in person again? When can we go out and not look like we're about to rob a bank? In our search of positivity, we've found two terrific resources:

  • One is a weekly newsletter called, The Sunday Paper by Maria Shriver ( It’s one of those things that are just good for the soul. Each week she reflects on what's going on in the world and identities things to be hopeful about. Recently, she's talked about the importance of "uniting" skills (compassion, empathy, understanding and recognition of the other), what we wish for each other (a vaccine, a clean environment), and remembering to treat each other with kindness because we can never fully know the challenges others are going through. She's got a bunch of other contributors who write about everything from relationships to food. Good stuff all around.

  • Another is an email from The Daily Stoic. ( Are you familiar with the philosophy of Modern Stoicism? Yeah, we weren't either, but in our minds it's about striving to live virtuously. In a time when we’re bombarded with labels – conservative, liberal, pretty, dumb, fat, etc. Stoicism is about something you have lots of control over: your character and how you chose to act. Do you do what's right? Do you treat people fairly? Do you live with courage? You can't change how you look, but you can definitely change how you act. Every day, this email gives us some new things to ponder as we strive to become the badass women we are at heart.

Mande Mischler